Here Lies Belfast
I was out and about with my sponsor on Saturday and we were walking up Stranmillis Ave and Friars Bush happened to be open for tours. My good friend Nicky K lives in one of the gate-keeper’s cottage, but in all my time living in Belfast I don’t think I’ve seen the place open to visitors and so I’d never been in it before.
When I was a wee lad I used to live right next door to the graveyard of the local church so walking amongst the graves brought me back a bit. I saw this gravestone and had to snap it with my camera phone.
Reminiscing aside, this post has been an opportunity to play with the URL Rewrite module for Gallery2 and the G2Image plugin (included with the WPG2 plugin) for WordPress. I really liked the idea of G2Image: being able to insert images from my gallery into blog posts via the post editor instead of browsing to the image and copy and pasting the address of the image, but as is usually the case, there was problems.
Firstly, the Gallery2 URL Rewrite module modified the .htaccess file belonging to my WordPress installation, rendering the permalinks useless. Thankfully this was easily rectified and I much prefer having the album and image name making up the URL when browsing the gallery, but the G2Image plugin doesn’t do what I thought it would.
I suppose that is just the nature of Open Source projects and I’m not going to cry about it. Hopefully I’m going to get my act together and contribute in some way to the FOSS movement in the future, until then I’m just going to be greatful that I have access to so much software and not be expected to pay licensing fees that I can’t afford or use a warezd copy (not that that would have bothered me in the past!)