MySQL database backup with remote storage
Prevent a disaster
After reading Jeff Atwood’s backup failure last month I decided to finally get around to doing something I’d been intending to do “one of these days” but had in actual fact been putting off for years.
Here’s the steps I took to ensure the databases on my webserver were backed up every night and copies of the dumps stored remotely.
On the remote storage machine
Generate an ssh key pair with and empty password and put the public key on the remote server. This will give our script access to the server without requiring you to enter a password each time:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /home/steve/code/db_backup/id_rsa $ scp /home/steve/code/db_backup/ REMOTEHOST:
This script will fetch all the backups, logging in as the rsync user and using the private key just generated. It’s located at /home/steve/code/db_backup/
#!/usr/bin/env bash rsync -e “ssh -l rsync -i /home/steve/code/db_backup/id_rsa” -avz REMOTEHOST:mysql/ /data/primary/backup/mysql/
Have this happen automatically daily at 12:20am:
$ crontab -l
m h dom mon dow command
20 0 * * * /home/steve/code/db_backup/ $
On the machine to be backed up
Create a new user and allow ssh access with the previously generated key:
# adduser rsync
mkdir ~rsync/.ssh
mv ~steve/ ~rsync/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown rsync:rsync ~rsync/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 400 ~rsync/.ssh/authorized_keys
This script will dump all available databases and is located at /root/bin/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
dump all available databases
AUTH=’-uroot -pROOTPASSWORD' DBS=`mysql $AUTH –skip-column-names -e ‘SHOW DATABASES;’` BACKUPS=’/home/rsync/mysql/’
for DB in $DBS do mysqldump $AUTH $DB > $BACKUPS`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`_$DB.sql done
delete backups older than 5 days
find $BACKUPS -mtime +5 -type f | awk ‘{print “rm “$1}’ | sh
Have the script run nightly at 12:10am via cron:
# crontab -l
m h dom mon dow command
10 0 * * * /root/bin/
Closing thoughts
This approach is realtively straight forward, everything happens automatically and it could easily be extended to cover mailboxes, source code repositories, uploaded content etc. However, for mission-critical databases master-slave replication may be more appropriate. For further reading you may enjoy JWZ’s thoughts on backups.